Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Contest Corner 3-25, SNY/Big East/Elite Eight Second Chance Contest is my only link for today but it's specifically aimed at Big East fans with SNY network. I do not get the channel on Time Warner in North Carolina so I did not see this until I got an email from someone from SNY with details. It is a second chance to pick which teams advance to the Elite Eight round of the NCAA tournament. Grand prize is two tickets to the 2010 Big East tournament with SNY backpacks and hats awarded to winner of each round. Living in NC, it may be a bit hard to make the BET's but I do like the looks of the hat and backpack even if I don't get the channel here (the fact that I am a Mets fan and know they carry their games helps too). I could have done a search for more contests but to be honest, I am running behind today and anytime someone specifically targets me to promote a contest, I figure it is at least worth featuring it. So click the link and good luck, my picks were mostly Big East so I doubt I win anything since I am sure most involved are Big East fans who did the same thing, though I did take Missouri over Memphis.

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