Thursday, September 24, 2009

Top 10 Twitter Hashtags For Syracuse Football

No, I am not trying to become the David Letterman of Syracuse/sports bloggers but in light of yesterdays list and a conversation between some of us Orange fans on Twitter, I had another fun way to use it. For those not familiar with Twitter, when you want something to trend easier, you encourage others to hashtag a keyword and if enough people use it, it will trend on everyone's page. So though I am sure we will stick with #BeatMaine to keep the streak going with the current team Syracuse is facing, here is my top 10 list of other Syracuse football related hastags.

10. #KickStrongRobLong

9. #OurMarrone

8. #WhatUGonnaDoWhenDC3RunsWildOnU

7. #ArthurJonesSmellsQBBlood

6. #WWGPD (What Would Greg Paulus Do)

5. #GiveMHellDerrell (contributed by @nunesmagician)

4. #MikeWilliamsLoveTheLongBall

3. #KillEmGillum (contributed by @dkelz1888)

2. #TheLegendOfLichtensteinBegins or #DrLichtensteinIPresume


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